We believe every interaction with our patients is an opportunity!

Preventive Diabetes

Primordial and Primary Prevention of Diabetes

At our Centre, the prevention of Type 2 diabetes is undertaken by encouraging physical activity and reduction of overweight/obesity in adults and children. We regularly hold diabetes awareness sessions in the community for people with prediabetes or at a high risk of developing diabetes. The ‘Five Steps’ emphasised to delay or prevent diabetes include:

  • Increasing intake of a healthy diet
  • Increased physical activity
  • Maintaining ideal body weight
  • Reducing stress (meditation, exercise, counselling, time management etc.) and
  • Screening for diabetes at regular intervals

Secondary and Tertiary Prevention

Preventive approaches to diabetes complications at our Centre can be categorized into three levels, first the early approach where early detection and appropriate treatment are the cornerstones for delaying the onset of the complications of diabetes. Once complications have set in, preventing progression of the same would form the second approach or the intermediate approach which is done by introducing specific drugs or intervention for combating complications. The third is the late approach where complications have reached a very critical stage and interventional procedures like surgery are done to prevent progression to end stages of the complications.

  • Public events on diabetes awareness & prevention
  • Preventive Education Stalls
  • Interactive Sessions

We have specialized Clinic and 24x7 support for patients with Diabetes at our State of Art center.
For more information call us at +91 9559442558 or click below for appointment.

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Diabetes in Adolescence