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Fitness by Yoga

Yoga – the ancient mind and body discipline

Yoga, which originated in India more than 5,000 years ago, aims at balancing and harmonizing the body, mind, and emotions. Research over the past three decades on yoga has consolidated the evidence in supporting it as a mind –a body-oriented practice that promotes “relaxation response” which reduces stress promotes positive coping skills. Yoga being a multi-component practice with Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breath regulation). Dhyana (Focusing and Contemplation) and other lifestyle discipline is a holistic approach and intervention strategy to address many psycho physiological issues.

Yoga and Diabetes

Yoga has been widely advocated in India for the management of diabetes, hypertension and related chronic conditions. Yoga as an intervention varies widely. Many conceptualize yoga as a physical intervention incorporating body postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation, modification of attitudes and behavior along mental discipline. in mobilization.

There has been positive evidence stating that yoga practices are beneficial in improving specific clinical parameters which are important for type 2 diabetes management. Research on yoga and type 2 diabetes has shown a lot of beneficial effects both in physical, psychological, social and overall well-being in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Yoga helps in parasympathetic activation, overall metabolic and psychological profiles, increase insulin sensitivity and improve glucose tolerance and lipid metabolism. Yoga practices such as cleansing processes, asanas, pranayama, mudras, bandha, meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation are known to reduce blood glucose levels and to help in the management of comorbid disease conditions associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus, resulting in significant positive clinical outcomes.

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Exercise by Yoga