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Culinary Medicine

Culinary Medicine

Culinary medicine is a new evidence-based field in medicine that blends the art of food and cooking with the science of medicine.

Culinary medicine is aimed at helping people reach good personal medical decisions about accessing and eating high-quality meals that help to prevent and treat disease and restore well-being.

Practical discipline, culinary medicine is unconcerned with the hypothetical case, and instead concerned with the patient in immediate need, who asks, "What do I eat for my condition?" As food is condition-specific, the same diet does not work for everyone. Different clinical conditions require different meals, foods, and beverages.

Five reasons for

  • Flourishing interest in eating out away from home and in food and cooking in popular entertainment media,
  • Widespread dissatisfaction with conventional medical approaches to chronic illness together with popular excitement about integrative medicine;
  • Near ubiquity of highly processed and convenience foods, accompanied by an increasing suspicion of their health value and the acknowledgement of the hyperpalatable nature of fast food;
  • The rising cost of health care, with the growing economic burden of diet-related noncommunicable health risks and diseases;
  • A revived enthusiasm for additive-free organic food, home gardening, local agriculture, and farmers’ markets.

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